Successful Conclusion | Marmomac 2024 · Colorful Eyes and Retro Dreams

Oct 08, 2024

The Marmomac Verona Italy 2024 came to a perfect conclusion


Pupil Kaleidoscope BOOTH Outdoor C14


In the golden autumn of Verona, Italy, STONELINK elegantly concluded the Marmomac 2024 International Stone Exhibition with its exquisite craftsmanship. Every natural stone is an aesthetic dialogue that transcends time and space.


Booth design with ingenuity - Inspired by the "Pupil Kaleidoscope", we integrate color and retro aesthetic concepts to create a dreamy space that is both modern and nostalgic, leading viewers to shuttle between light and shadow and stone charm.


Products at booth outdoor C14


The extraordinary details - The stone faced Rubik's Cube showcases the beauty of geometry as it rotates; Various natural onyx plinths stand tall and elegant, emitting the tenderness and strength of nature; Stacking small blocks of Raggio Verde natural marble creates a scene, lush with greenery, like the first appearance of a fairyland. All of them are exclusive collections of STONELINK, showcasing the unique charm of STONELINK.


Clients at booth outdoor C14


Amidst the surging crowds and overwhelming praise - During the exhibition, the STONELINK booth was packed with visitors from all walks of life to witness the feast of stone art together. Every pause is a recognition of our quality; Every communication sparks creativity.


The exquisite products, extremely beautiful - The purity and elegance of Bianco White natural marble, the gentleness and delicacy of Lazy Sunday natural marble, the flexibility and mystery of Raggio Verde natural marble, the simplicity and nature of European limestone, the intersection of White Wood natural marble and Tree Black natural marble, and the calm and classic of Super Grey natural quartzite. Each natural stone is the perfect crystallization of nature and ingenuity, which is amazing.


Onyx series, magnificent - Natural onyx series, blue like deep sea, green like jade, pink like peach blossom, golden autumn, fair like snow, orange warm to the heart, colorful and shining together, showcasing STONELINK's ultimate pursuit and interpretation of beauty.


Marmomac Verona Italy 2024


Looking ahead to the future, we are full of anticipation. STONELINK will continue to use stone as a medium to connect the world and explore the infinite possibilities of stone aesthetics. Next year at the Marmomac 2025 international stone exhibition in Verona, Italy, let's gather once again and embark on a romantic rendezvous about stones.


Looking forward to meeting you again at the pinnacle of stone mode!

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